Mann in Anzug auf Schwimmring in Wasser.

Our Claims Management

Fast, secure, worry-free

Our goal is to stand by your side in difficult times and ensure that you can return to your daily life quickly and easily after an unexpected event. With over 100 years of experience in the insurance industry, Breffka & Hehnke represents proven expertise and individualized support in the management of claims.

Whether it involves handling corporate claims or private claims, our team of seasoned experts specializes in guiding you through the entire process – from the initial claim report to the final settlement.

Key Advantages of Our Claims Management

Rapid Claims Processing

  • Efficiency in Times of Crisis: Our claims management team is focused on handling claims quickly and efficiently. This means you'll gain clarity about the status of your claim and the next steps in the shortest possible time.
  • Time Saving: With fast response times and efficient processes, we assist you in saving precious time that you can instead invest in your core business.

Minimizing Financial Losses

  • Optimal Claims Settlement: We strive to minimize the financial impact of damage on your business or personal life. This is achieved through precise evaluation and fair claims settlement.
  • Prevention of Future Losses: With our expertise in risk management, we provide not only support in the event of a claim but also guidance to prevent future damages and secure your long-term financial stability.

Professional Support

  • Expert Advice: Our team is committed to providing guidance and support, aiming to make the claims management process as seamless as possible.
  • Personalized Care: Every claim is unique, and we provide personalized attention tailored to your specific needs.
  • Transparent Communication: We place high importance on clear and open communication, ensuring you are always informed about the progress of your claim.

Our Claims Management Process